Do you feel like you are changing? Are the structures of your life breaking down and shifting?
The world is going through a process of awakening, an ascension process, a re birth. It is very possible, you are going through this awakening process too.
To most people, the ascension process is not something they're aware of, but little by little, more and more people are wondering what is happening in the world and in their lives. Structures are breaking down, governments are changing, people are becoming more empowered. This is the process of ascension. The age of Aquarius, marks the beginning of a time when our world and each one of us, begins to change for the better.
It is the Authentic you, birthing into the world, the you that isn't shaped by society, parents, friends and their belief systems. To get to this Authentic, real you, you slowly let go of old ideas and ways of thinking, you slowly begin to see that the world is more than you thought. It's a healing process, like an onion, where you peel another layer off to reveal yet another, so we peel away the things that no longer work or resonate with us, bit by bit. One day, you realise you're a long way from the old you. It's still you, but It's the you that is perfect, because you are yourself, who you are meant to be, with your own views, beliefs, likes and dislikes, you're more open, more loving and more empowered.
Your life may change, sometimes in dramatic ways and while it may not feel like it at times, you are heading toward a more fulfilled, more aware and loving world where you'll be happier. Many people are going through this process now, some of us who have been around and awakened for some time, are here to support your birth process into the new you. It can be a great adventure if you embrace the positive aspects of it!
Feel free to comment below to talk about how it's affecting you and your life.
Welcome to your new beginning
Love and Blessings,
Let The Sunshine In
When the moon is in the seventh house And Jupiter aligns with Mars Then peace will guide the planets And love will steer the stars This is the dawning of the age Of a Aquarius, the age of Aquarius Aquarius, Aquarius Harmony and understanding Sympathy and trust abounding No more falsehoods or derisions Golden living dreams of visions Mystic crystal revelation And the minds true liberation Aquarius, Aquarius When the moon is in the seventh house And Jupiter aligns with Mars Then peace will guide the planets And love will steer the stars This is the dawning of the age Of a Aquarius, the age of Aquarius Aquarius, Aquarius Source: